Monday, December 8, 2008

last day of class

How time flies!  December is here, the semester is winding up, and the New Year is just around the corner.  It's hard to remember that awkward feeling I had during my first week of the semester; a subtle combination of excitement, confusion and panic, not yet knowing a word of Japanese.  Yet, for all of the challenge and the grueling study of the course,;) there was still something every week brought joy and laughter.  In short, it was well worth it.  What I learned over the course of a few months is far beyond what I had expected at the beginning of the semester.  I could not have guessed that I would write letters in Japanese, be able to express myself, or just go out and do simple stuff like shopping or asking directions.  What seems at a glance as basic and simple is really quite essential foundation that we've covered.  Yes, we are far from our goals, our expressions are still limited, and there is much study on the paths before us.  Yet, I am grateful to have a section of the language under my belt.  Thank you sensei, whose industrious effort and encouragement were instrumental to our progress, and whose pedagogy was just as valuable as the knowledge we've gained.  And thanks to all of my classmates.  I think that together your feedback, practice, and atmosphere all helped me tremendously...I'm looking forward to seeing you next time!

Wishing everyone a happy and healthy 2009...   

my thank giving break

せんしゅまつに Bostonへ かえり ました。てんきは あまり よくなかったです。そこは ニューヨータ より さむかったです。しゅくだい たくさん あり ましたから、としょかんで べきょうしました。